I didn’t have a cigarette for 19 hours. And a just smoked. It’s knocked me on my ass. I would not call this “relaxing”. This is “immobalizing”. Things are moving in slow motion right now, including me. And this is likely to be how every cigarette hits me every time.

Right now, things in my life are horrible and I don’t have Her to commiserate with because she’s the reason. She’s going to end up losing her job and she doesn’t seem to care. Meanwhile, I’m having to figure out how to deal with that without massive amounts of killing myself. Send help now.

We both need to quit smoking whether or not she loses her job but, more realistically, we need to quit because SHE WILL LOSE HER JOB. No amount of happy clouds and rainbows will change that fact.

God I hope soon

I wish I had a good post in me right now. I really do. Because it would probably mean forward motion in my life. And, even though I have done more today than I have in a while, I feel like I’m dying.

So what was I talking about? Buddhism?

Yeah, Buddhism, buddhadharma, bodhi.

To be honest, I am feeling “detached” in the bad way. “Disconnected” as well. I just feel like shit.

I’m less obsessed with Buddhism than I have been, but only because I’ve figured more of it out mentally. Experientially (which is the part that counts in Buddhism) I am not feeling it.

I came to Buddhism through DBT and mindfulnesss. When I read about the brahmaviharas, I came to read about Equanimity and saw it as the cure for my condition. But that’s a Captain Hindsight observation. You stop being erratic with emotions by NOT BEING ERRATIC WITH EMOTIONS. No steps.

But I thought I found steps. Dhyana mirrors the four bhramaviharas and I thought I could head that direction. Nope. Dhyana is some 29th level stuff I can’t be.

But then I realized that if I could get to that state of “feeling at one with the Universe”, I would have the brahmaviharas. Hard to get upset with the world when you feel such a part of it.

But this basic concept in buddhism was not just hard to live, it was hard to understand. Anatta was a tangled mess in my head until I realized it (kinda) meant “no soul” as much as it meant “no self”. And “oneness” isn’t an idea.

I never thought about “emptiness”. Glossed over it and never saw it as important to read about.

All of a sudden, it’s all I want. Because “emptiness” is “oneness”. The idea that you are simply made up of everything that came before and “not you” means that you are empty of “self” and full of everything that has come before you. More importantly, you are in everything you have interacted with in this world. Emptiness becomes oneness becomes the way into the brahmaviharas which becomes equanimity which becomes an end to my emotional issues.

This is my suffering and I want to end it as soon as I possibly can. It has gone on too long and I can’t purge myself of the idea that I FUCKING DESERVE TO HAVE THIS GONE.

I know that my aversion to the way my brain works is keeping me from further spiritual progress, but fuck it, I want this over with. I am averse to this, and I would rather eradicate this problem than just breathe through this. There is no breathing through this. Sorry. None. Nil. Zero. This is how I end it and end it soon.

God I hope soon.

Everything that is wrong with social justice in one single post

(Not a social justice blog. Just need to get this off my chest.)

I hate, hate, hate all words that are prefixed with a term referring to a whole group of people and ending with -ism.

We all know these words, but almost none of us know what they mean.

Continue reading →

Blurb about the internets.

I’m growing tired of the message-in-a-bottle in reverse chronological order social networking sites that are all completely the fucking same and offer no real sense of who someone is and offers no real sense of community or interaction.

The closest I ever got was with a site called FriendFeed that was bought out by Facebook and it’s now rotting.

I want a site that doesn’t foster an ego but a community. Something that’s about talking instead of just kinda posting something and trying to grab the attention of the people who are supposed to be interested anyway.

Fuck the Internet right now.

Fuck WordPress.

Is it so hard to not delete a post once I’ve made it?

On cynicism contests.

After all the trolling and cat pictures and everything else, I have come to one conclusion about the internet.

Okay, two conclusions. One, “internet” is not capitalized. You don’t capitalize television or magazine or newspaper or telephone, even if you say “the telephone”. Don’t fucking capitalize internet. Seriously, it’s not a proper noun any more and hasn’t been since at least 2004. Stop.

And two, the internet, something that was largely the great gift given to our generation, the thing to fight for like other generations were given wars to fight in or protest against, the thing that binds us altogether, has been turned into a gigantic cynicism contest by the same generation entrusted with it’s awe-inspiring potential.

Seriously, I say Mitt Romney is a sociopath and a pathological liar and somebody will say “but they are ALL sociopaths and pathological liars” and that ends the discussion/wins the debate.


They are not all sociopaths. They are not all pathological liars. That is flatly untrue.

But just because it is more cynical, it automatically is deemed true and, until someone says something more cynical, it will remain true regardless of whether or not it has any basis in reality. This stops us from really looking at the fact that people are going to vote for a diagnosable sociopath on November 6th. We’ve kinda made this possible by declaring “all politicians are sociopaths” long enough that Mitt Romney for President became inevitable.

So I hope you’re fucking happy. The United States is about to hold an election where one of the major party candidates needs to be in psychological counseling, not running a nation. And you sit there like this is par for the course. Fuck all ya’ll.

A post on enlightenment.

I’ve had a bit of a spiritual awakening.

I’ve been doing meditation and trying to stay mindful as much as I possibly can. I started this out of a desire to cure my (admittedly self-diagnosed) Borderline Personality Disorder.

I left the westernized mindfulness behind and went deeper into Buddhist mindfulness (sati). I realized the old idea that we are all one. It’s all because of the video at this link.

It’s the kind of thing you know intellectually, but you equate this idea with sheer Buddhist enlightenment/Zen satori. You think you work for it. But it’s not what you work for, it’s not something that comes after the last step. It comes before the first. Why be mindful of everything if there is a “not you”? Honestly, it’s none of your business. Mind your own damn business.

But if it is all you, then this is something you need to know. Mindfulness doesn’t lead to enlightenment it is essential to already being enlightened.

Also: “one with everything” is somewhat false. Not to piss anyone off here, but I feel it is too big for someone trying to live in this moment. YHou can’t function with that realization in head every moment of the day. It is good for a moment and to spur you toward staying mindful and it is good to meditate on sitting down and breathing, but for a moment-to-moment existence of writing out a blog post, you are better off just being one with your surroundings. If you are at a party, you are one with the party. Should the cops show up, you are one with the cops and the party. But trying to hold a conversation with someone over chips and/or dip, it is not good to be one with the universe. You can’t be mindful.

That said, the battery is plugged in backwards in the West on our idea of enlightenment. The thing I heard many years ago reading about Zen that turned me off “You are already enlightened” wasn’t meant to goad you into working harder or thinking it easier. You are really already enlightened as you are one with your surroundings. We don’t work towards it, we start with it and change our behavior accordingly. If you need to give up all your earthly possessions because “you are one with the universe”, okay. But not the other way around. That is walking the middle path backwards.

I don’t know where I’m going with this. Just needed to say it.

The Stanley Terrible

This is not going to become a video game blog. Just need to get this out of my head.

I stopped actively playing video games years ago. I did it because I’m bad at them and it stopped being fun. I need to stop again and I will soon not because games aren’t fun, but because I want nothing to do with them or the culture surrounding them.

The Stanley Parable is the kind of game people have claimed to have wanted for a long damn time. They’ve wanted art in video games. But if we are to call this game “Art”, we must evaluate it as art. In terms of it being a video game and as art, it fails miserably.

You are supposed to see all of the endings in the game in order to “get” what the message of the game is about. Here’s what I “got” from The Stanley Parable: freedom can only be found in being an adolescent, cynical, nay-saying little shit who says “NUH-UHHHH!” to whoever tells them to do anything. It is the elevation of Zach de la Rocha’s infantile “Fuck You! I Won’t Do What You Tell Me!” to the level of pure dharma. It is the distilation of every cynicism saturated piece of media to which the males of my generation masturbate. It is The Matrix, Fight Club, V For Vendetta, Office Space, every dystopia, every “my job sucks”, etc. It is every over-cynical thing that has ever screamed “Everything sucks, there is no way to make it any better except to destroy the whole thing and start over”. It is different only in the total lack of window dressing around the idea.

The message of The Stanley Parable is not “disobey”. It is “only ever disobey ever at absolutely all costs”. The only difference between this game and every other movie, book, song, television show, video game or what-have-you the males of my generation masturbate to is the fact that it places you in the feet of the person doing the disobeying.

This is contrasted against the game’s “obey” ending in that there is no contrast. In both these endings you are on as much of a track as the other. There are four other endings, one where the narrator turns on a nuclear timebomb and talks a lot of crap about you acting like you’re in video game (and you die), one where you find out you are insane (and you somehow die, despite the fact that mental illnesses are not suddenly fatal), one where you are told to stop playing the game (and since you’re a naysaying little shit, you don’t turn it off and die), and one that is cynicism incarnate (where the character continues to live his boring, complacent, utterly ineffectual life and then dies.) I’m not so much ruining this game as showing you that it comes direct to you pre-ruined.

Mindlessly disobeying is not any more freeing than mindlessly obeying. I am under no delusion that this is some terrifically deep statement. But there is no way to be “deep” about this game. The word “pretentious” is often thought to refer to things that are “so deep” that they are largely inscrutable. “Pretentious” means “Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.” In other words, “pretentious” has to do with “pretending” to be deep when it is not. That I cannot be deep about this game is not a symptom of my inability to be deep, it is a symptom of this game’s shallowness.

Some will argue that I’m missing the point of all of this and tell me this game is only about freedom of choice in most video games and lack of the feeling of control video games can give you.

So it’s a video game about video games made by a gamer for gamers about the gamer’s (general) point of view in a problem relating to video games. Also, it’s a mod. Which means it’s a video game requiring you to own other video games to play. And it’s not well known meaning you’re probably a niche gamer who reads video game blogs to have heard of it let alone play it. This isn’t art, it’s a fucking bandwagon. And people have jumped on top of it like it contains eternal life and a million dollars. I have never seen any piece of media have such an overwhelming percentage of overwhelming praise.

“But it’s just a game. It’s only about video games not life.” Etc. etc. ad infinitum. The point it is trying to make about video games is something-something lack of control something-something choice free will blah blah whatever. It’s facile and obvious and completely aimed at individuals chomping at the bit to agree if for no other reason to look intellectual within a group not terribly well-known for intellectualism. The game challenges no pre-conceived notions on the part of it’s terribly narrowed and focused audience and lacks the ability to move that conversation forward a millimetre.

So why write about it at all then? Because while video games are an art form, true art is hard to find in games. This game is almost universally considered wonderful, brilliant, excellent, illuminating and so on by that audience. But it is both crap as a game and abysmal as art. Video games deserve better in the way of choices and they will get better as companies decide to sink money into entertaining games that allow freer choices. Art games deserve better than The Stanley Parable.


May you be happy.
May you be well.
May you be at peace.
May you be free from all suffering.

I have been meditating and trying to maintain a mindful frame of mind lately. I’ve almost become obsessed with it. But the last two days, I’ve shifted towards metta.

Metta is a concentration meditation on loving-kindness. Mostly, I’ve been concerned with the specific point of metta towards oneself. Loving-kindness toward myself is something I have lacked in large doses in my life. Wishing myself well is something I’ve felt silly about at first. The whole thing felt silly to someone who gave up on prayer years ago.

I think I just need to drop the whole idea of atheism. Not that I believe in god, but atheism means something so much more than that. It’s become so synonymous with cynical assholery that I can’t allow myself to do this one thing that is honestly making me into a better person.

Putting those words into the air. May I be happy. May I be well. May I be at peace. May I be free from suffering. It’s prayer, no doubt about it. To whom, I do not know, but it’s prayer. But that act is having this profound effect in my life.

Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who was measured by science as having the highest happiness levels on record. He was doing metta meditation in the fMRI tube. The research shows this changes people’s brains. Changes brains in the exact area my brain doesn’t work. So fuck off if you think it’s silly to be praying. IDGAF. And, while we’re at it. May you be happy, well, at peace and free from suffering, you cynical fucking assholes!

What’s Wrong With Me?

They are the words that echoed in my ears all my life. I don’t mean my adult life. I mean as long as I can remember these words have been ringing in my ears.

“What’s wrong with me?” I would ask myself every day of my life.

Now, I have an answer. I have an honest to god answer. I have BPD.

I’m starting to wonder if I got that answer too late. It seems no amount of bucking up and moving forward with this knowledge seems to help the situation that I am in. It ouldn’t be the first time I’ve found myself with a new revelation just a little bit too late.

Now I’m left with a vague idea of who I am supposed to be but with no idea how to turn that into something I can do for money. It seems that I have been unconsciously working towards it but with no real way to capitalize on my unconscious urges in a constructive way to better my life.

How the fuck do I make money as a presenter. I don’t have ALL the skills I need, just the important ones like “how to tell a great story” and “how to speak in public” and “how images and words can work together”. What I lack are the little things like “how to do ANYTHING in Photoshop” and “when do I need to be a buzzword-spewing douchebag and when do I be sincere?”

Can you do this FOR FREE? Can you do anything like this without making your slides look as douchebaggy and trendyfucky and designfucky as humanly possible? Can you do this without being absolutely perfect in each and every single concievable way shape and form?